The Internet has become such a part of our lives that it is difficult to think of living without it. Online shopping is something that makes life better and more comfortable, saving time and increasing the number of product options to choose from.
The competition among online stores is tough. Marketers have long understood that the first impression is the most important for generating interest in potential buyers. That is why the biggest advantage for online stores to increase their sales and maximize conversion rates in any industry is high quality commercial photography and product videography.
Our product photo studio provides high-quality photoshoot services for almost any online store. Our services include:
• 360 product photography for coats or decorative items
• 360 view video for jewelry
• Flat lay photography or packshot photography for various products
These are just a few examples of the wide range of services we can offer. In our product photography studio, you can order unique content such as lifestyle photos for social media posts or product videos for Amazon online stores, as well.
Another unique opportunity we offer is renting new photo machines that are already set up and ready to use:
• Life machine for photoshoots with models or invisible mannequin photography
• Horizontal machine for flat lay photography
• Eclipse machine for shoes and small accessories product pictures and videos
• Alphashot to make incredible jewelry product photos.
Remember that you are selling the product picture first and foremost, not the product itself, and the product picture must catch the eye of viewers. Each potential buyer sees the visual picture first and then examines the characteristics of the product written in the description.
Trust the product photographers from the Stylephotos team to get the best product photography. For more information, just give us a quick call or write us a quick note in the chat. We will gladly answer all your questions!